Thursday, October 18, 2007

Manage your Diabetics

Why diabetic sufferers must be taken a notice more, with 'food or drink' what they'll eat or drink? I think its simple questions that most all of the people (especially those sufferers) already knew what their answered… glucose, glucose, glucose. But why most of the people around them, still give more attention for them. The answer is absolutely; because they care.

Once you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you can become overwhelmed with all the information and daily focus required to manage your diabetes.Regular visits with your medical doctor can help to alleviate any concerns that you have about your diabetes.

Besides visiting your doctor, there are 5 things that you can do that will greatly help and positively affect your condition. Your medical doctor will have many recommendations for you to manage your diabetes on a day to day basis. But, there are 5 things that you can do to help matters.

Eat Healthy
Avoid eating fried foods and junk foods. Focus on grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, low-fat milk, etc.

Be Active
Schedule daily exercise into your plans. If you don't have time to make it to the gym, just try walking around the block a few times. A little bit of exercise will go a long way.

Take Medication
Take the recommended medication when you are supposed to.

Don't Smoke or Drink
These two vices will dramatically increase your chances of many other health issues and complications.

Monitor your Levels Closely
Take frequent measurements of your blood glucose levels throughout the day so that you can more effectively keep them at the recommended levels.

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